When I get unwanted and unsolicited emails from someone I don’t know, the first thing I do is look for the unsubscribe link. Yet, I’m still struggling with the Special leads fact that often when I’ve asked to be “unsubscribed,” an email somehow manages to sneak through to my inbox. This is when I start to doubt myself, “wait a minute, I thought I unsubscribed last time, but Special leads maybe I didn’t?” So, I continue to keep hitting the unsubscribe button, but somehow, “they” [a restaurant, store, blog, etc.] don’t really seem to grasp the concept of unsubscribing.
And the reason I unsubscribe to half of these in the first Special leads place is because I am no longer interested in what they have to say because it’s either always the same stuff, or it is stuff I am not interested in learning about. I feel like some of these particular email senders are like bullies. They make people feel helpless and desperate for a way to make the Special leads harassment stop, even after you have asked them calmly (or not) to back off. What can make them stop harassing you? Give them money, pay for their lunch the rest of your Special leads life, or do you take legal action?
You jump through hoops to get rid of them, just like you Special leads would with these spammers. I change my email address, deactivate the old one, flag them as spam, etc. but they still succeed to find me! How is this possible, do they have a tracking device on me? If they only knew my reasons for unsubscribing in the first place, I think majority of them would still have me as their customer. But since they didn’t, they’ve lost me as prospect and I don’t know when Special leads I will forgive them for annoying me for days, months, and years. As a marketer I take this very seriously,