Instead, both leaders had a cordial lunch at the Casa Grande del Country Email List Pueblo, the new seat of executive power. It is known that Morales has asked Arce more than once not to rule out collaborators from his three governments for high executive positions, as President and Country Email List Vice President David Choquehuanca promised during the election campaign. This veto seems to Morales to be an implicit censorship of his management, which he finds successful for the Country Email List country and for the MAS. So far, Arce has ignored him. It is also known that in the evista "environment" the cabinet is believed to be too technical and youthful, It is likely that the,
Main tension will be between Morales and Choquehuanca, who is also Country Email List indigenous, who has had friction with the head of his party in the past -especially after his departure from the Foreign Ministry, which he held between 2006 and 2017-, and that in his swearing-in Country Email List speech he seemed to criticize him ("Power must circulate just like blood," he asserted then). Choquehuanca's supporters have not achieved many cabinet positions, but they have begun to appear in positions immediately below. Both Country Email List leaders are Aymara, but Morales is considered to have more strength in the Quechua area of the country, where he lived most of his life.
Evo Morales has almost never been able to avoid making public confidences Country Email List and he does not know how to limit himself to the space that is supposed to correspond to him. In recent times, for example, he wished out loud that Álvaro García Linera would be chosen v Country Email List as ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), since he could use his expository capacity to explain in this organization that there was no fraud in the elections of October Country Email List 2019, as defined and publicized by its secretary general, Luis Almagro, today the greatest international enemy of Morales and the MAS.