That is, consulting support becomes the main advantage of the provider for the customer. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the risks of managerial errors and correctly assess their cost, as well as provide for potential options and tools for protecting integrated environments, which can later be offered to the customer as part of the service. Third, hyperscaler resources purchased through a provider are no more expensive than the hyperscaler's market offering.
With this model, you no longer have to solve the dilemma where on one side of the scale is the price tag, and on the other is the quality. Through partnerships, each side has its own Whatsapp Mobile Number List advantages. Moreover, each hyperscaler, understanding the capabilities of competitors with which their customer works, will strive to improve their services, increasing their quality.
The customer also contributes to the even development of the multicloud segments his user experience in the form of feedback serves as an impetus for upgrading services and finding solutions for non-standard tasks. To summarize, based on the opinion of Gartner analysts , for the implementation of global tasks and leave the possibility of participation of several cloud service providers for other tasks or pilot projects.