Electric cars don't need motors in the front, and driverless cars need forward-facing seats. However, all of them are created according to the traditional model. Zoox decided to take a different route and designed its self-driving car from scratch. Zoox is a company that was founded in and was acquired by Amazon for billion in . It has spent almost the last decade building an autonomous vehicle from scratch. Her goal is not to sell this car, but to build a ride-sharing service of the future that will compete with Uber and Lyft. Unlike Waymo and Tesla, Zoox took advantage of "the advantage of designing from the ground up," according to Chris.
Stoffel, director of studio design and head of Zoox's industrial design team. The company managed to create a unique vehicle that has no analogues on the road - something that resembles a human-sized toaster. The Zoox is smaller than a BMW i and is completely symmetrical on both sides, allowing it to move Switzerland WhatsApp Number List forwards and backwards without even turning around. Symmetry also allows for fewer unique parts. Large automatic doors slide open on each side of the car, and inside are two multi-seater seats facing each other. Despite so many non-standard solutions, Zoox is confident that its vehicle will receive a high safety rating before being launched on public roads.
Exterior design According to Nauel Battaglia, Zoox's senior director of industrial design, the team was inspired not by car silhouettes, but by "the aesthetics of the products, what has already taken root in consumer electronics." Indeed, the appearance of the Zoox car resembles a gadget - it seems as if it can be shrunk down to the size of the palm of your hand to play with. This impression is complemented by four touch sensors that stick out from each corner and resemble antennae. The solution may seem incomplete why didn't the designers simply adjust depth cameras with lidar and other sensors to the shape of the car.